Może ktoś sprawdzić mi list formalny? Tylko błagam , niech to zrobi ktoś kto się na tym zna, a nie osoba, która napisze "dobrze", bo chce sobie nabić punkty.
Dear Sir/Madam, I am writting in regard to your advertisement published in the magazine "The English Time". I would be very pleased if you could send me some extra information about your exchange programme. Firstly, I would like to know in which countries of Europe is this exchange. I would be very interesend in knowing whether meals are included in accomodation. I wish to know whether the students have any free time during the day. I would be grateful if you could infrom me about the number of students in classes at local schools. I would to know when does "limited time" end and how many months takes length of stay. I would apperecate if you send me booklet with additional information regarding your exchange programme. Thanking you for your time and assistance. I look foward to your reply at your earliest convenience. Yours faithfully, XYZ
Dobrze jest tylko musisz dwa wyrazy poprawic; -interested -appreciate
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To literówki z szybkiego pisania, bardziej chodziło mi o gramatykę, ale jak jest ok, to dzięki :)