Studiujesz w Australii. Kupiles nowy komputer , ktory jednak nie dziala tak jak powinien. Napisz list do sklepu komputerowego , w ktorym dokonales zakupu:
*Napisz w jakiej sprawie piszesz i kiedy zakupiles komputer,
*Przedstaw problem dotyczacy jego nieprawidlowego dzialania
*Poinformuj , ze problem probowal rozwiazac kolega, ktory zna sie na komp. lecz bez skutku oraz dodaj w jaki sposob probwal go rozwiazac
*Popros o przyjazd kogos ze sklepu i przekonasz , ze usluga powinna byc bezplatna
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Sir or Madam ,
I am writing to complaint about computer which I bought two weeks ago in your shop.
I am most disappointed because my computer stopped working. when I tried start computer , it turned out that it was broken. The problem is that the computer will not turn on properly. As if thiswere not enough my friend tried to solve problem. He tried exchange components and rapai computer. Besides he install new software. Unfortunatelly , it nothing helped.
I would be grateful if you would exchanging it for a new one.Please send one of your employee to repair my computer . I tink the repair should be free because computer is under qwaranty. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully