I wantedto thank youfor thegiftthatyou gave to me.It isgorgeous.That's what I wanted.I carryitwithkeysandbringsme luck.Itmayseemfunnybut true.Atmy friends, I gotalotof gifts,such asbooks,computer gamesand a teddy bearfrom mybest friend.My parentsgaveme aperfectbike.It was awonderful birthday,I only wishthatyou could notattend.Whendo you celebrateyour birthday ? Whatwould youget from me ?Andwhereyou are goingon holiday ?If youdo notalready haveplans, come to me!I promisethatwe will notget bored.
Dear Kate,
I wantedto thank youfor thegiftthatyou gave to me.It isgorgeous.That's what I wanted.I carryitwithkeysandbringsme luck.Itmayseemfunnybut true.Atmy friends, I gotalotof gifts,such asbooks,computer gamesand a teddy bearfrom mybest friend.My parentsgaveme aperfectbike.It was awonderful birthday,I only wishthatyou could notattend.Whendo you celebrateyour birthday ? Whatwould youget from me ?Andwhereyou are goingon holiday ?If youdo notalready haveplans, come to me!I promisethatwe will notget bored.
See you soon.
Your...- twoje imie.