LIST NIEFORMALNY – „MY FAVOURITE FAMILY MEMBER” Napisanie listu towarzyskiego na min. 200 słów o swoim ulubionym członku rodziny. W pracy naley pokaza umiejtno tworzenia formy dopełniaczowej (tzw. Saxon genitive – 's) i uycia czasownika have got. Poda trzeba minimum kilku członków rodziny, wymieniajc najbliszych i dalszych, okrelajc, który z nich jest tym ulubionym. Naley poda podstawowe dane opisywanej osoby, jak: imi, wiek, cechy charakteru, wygld – włosy, oczy, budow... Praca zawiera ma take zajcia ulubione przez ww. osob (tu: wykazanie znajomoci konstrukcji like + i tzw. leasure activities). Praca musi mie cechy listu nieformalnego.
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My favourite family member is my mother.Her name's Monika.She's 37 years old and she was born 23rd February.She's tall and slim.My mother has medium lenght brown, straight hair and brown eyes with long, dark eyelashes. I think that she's really pretty and she's well dressed.She has got a good character because she is patient, honest, pleasant, ambitious and sometimes stubborn.She is also smart.She works as a shop asistant and she likes her job because it's well paid job and she works only four hours.We spend much time together so we can often go somewhere or just talk together, for instance about our problems.She always understand me and I can rely on her because I know tha she will never let me down.My mother is helpful and sometimes she helps me in my homeworks. She is strong woman, but often I help her for axample in houseworks or in the kitchen.She hates sports.When we are on holidays she prefers lying on the sun and doing crosswords than swimming.She loves readding books. Her favourite books are romantic novels like ,,Dom'' by Danielle Stelle.Thank to books she can relax and forget about a problems of everyday life.
I think that she's the best mother on the whole world.
nie liczyłam ile słów ale chyba bd ok ;D