List do kolegi z Hiszpani, w którym opisujesz swój pobyt na kursie językowym w Wielkiej Brytani: - napisz na jakim kursie byłesi jak długo? - gdzie się zatrzymałeś i jakie były tam warunki zakwaterowania - poinformuj co zobaczyłeś w WB i jakie wyraziło to na tobie wrażenie - zaproś swojego kolegę do odwiedzenia Polski i poinformuj jakie atrakcje go czekają (120-150 słów)
Dear John At first I must tell you something:I could speak in Polish
*I was on the new course about Polish at 3 weeks *I live in small detachted-house with my uncle Bernard.Tje faccilities of accomodation was really good.I had privaty room with bathroom. *at weekends I saw Big Ben and so many concerts and shops!It was really excited! *In Poland you could see Palac of Science and Culture and many excited places.I invaite you!
At first I must tell you something:I could speak in Polish
*I was on the new course about Polish at 3 weeks
*I live in small detachted-house with my uncle Bernard.Tje faccilities of accomodation was really good.I had privaty room with bathroom.
*at weekends I saw Big Ben and so many concerts and shops!It was really excited!
*In Poland you could see Palac of Science and Culture and many excited places.I invaite you!
See you soon