Audiovisual policy, in which commercial interests confronted with issues of cultural diversity, public service and social responsibility, is formulated at the national level by individual governments. The EU's role is determining the fundamental principles and issuing guidance in matters of common interest, such as open markets and fair competition in the EU.
One of European Union policies which I recently heard about is a project of an enactment: '' Animal Welfare during transport''. It's main pointas for example are: the animal transport, improved enforcement or upgraded transportation standards. This regulation applies the transport of live vertebrate animals within the Community in connection with an economic activity. In my opinion it will help to improve and develop animal rights.
Audiovisual policy, in which commercial interests confronted with issues of cultural diversity, public service and social responsibility, is formulated at the national level by individual governments. The EU's role is determining the fundamental principles and issuing guidance in matters of common interest, such as open markets and fair competition in the EU.
One of European Union policies which I recently heard about is a project of an enactment: '' Animal Welfare during transport''. It's main pointas for example are: the animal transport, improved enforcement or upgraded transportation standards. This regulation applies the transport of live vertebrate animals within the Community in connection with an economic activity. In my opinion it will help to improve and develop animal rights.