November 2018 1 30 Report
¿las celulas eucariotas son complejas?

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Ćwiczenie A): Uzupełnij luki w poniższych zdaniach. 1. My boss is American. ................... lives in Texas. 2. I and my wife are teachers. ................... work in (at) school. 3. I am Polish, and ...................? - I am French. 4. Mary and Steve are married. ................... have three children. 5. I, Tim and Robert are good students. ................... can answer all kinds of questions. 6. Irena is French. ................... lives in Lyon. 7. I am Polish but my wife is not - ................... is Irish. 8. ................... are my brothers: Darek and Michał. 9. Is ................... wife Polish or British? Can you tell me? 10. ................... (ten) case is very difficult. 11. ................... (te) children are very nice. 12. This is John and that is ................... wife, Betty. ................... have four children. 13. I am David and ................... is my wife, Daria. These are ................... children: Zuzia, Emilka and Tomek. 14. These are Tom and Fiona. ................... have only one child. ................... name is Robert. 15. My boss is married. ................... wife's name is Helen. ................... house is in Boston. 16. I and ................... wife live in Sulechów. ................... house is very nice. 17. She is married. ................... husband works for the police. ................... job is very difficult but he likes it. 18. ................... (te) details are important. 19. ................... (tamte) children live in Zielona Góra. ................... mother has a difficult job. 20. We are old but ................... age is not very important. 21. ................... boss gives me a lot of difficult work. 22. ................... (to) exercise is not difficult. Ćwiczenie B): Wstaw odpowiednią formę czasownika to be w formie twierdzącej, przeczącej lub pytającej. 1. I .................... Polish and I live in Warsaw. 2. I .................... German, I am Polish. 3. This .................... my brother, Steve. 4. He .................... old - he's only seven. 5. .................... Polish or are you French? 6. Where .................... your book? 7. Where .................... my books? 8. .................... your wife? No, she isn't. She's my sister. 9. We .................... from Berlin. 10. We .................... from Madrid, we are from Barcelona. 11. Where .................... from? Are you Polish or are you a foreigner? 12. We .................... from the police. We are teachers. 13. These .................... my books, they are Susan's. 14. Those students .................... tired. They must rest. 15. .................... Polish? No, he is Irish. 16. .................... German? No, we are Polish. 17. How old ....................? I am twenty. 18. You .................... German, you are Danish, right? 19. My house .................... big. It's small. 20. .................... Mary old? No, she isn't. She .................... young.

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