September 2018 1 27 Report

Kto poprawi list? Zgłosiłam sie do pisania listów z kims z zagranicy, może ktoś poprawić błędy ;]? Datę i miejscowość dodam potem ;]

I am very pleased that together we can write the list. I don't know English well because they just learn in school. For this reason, I apologize for all errors.
So, maybe I'm writing a few words about myself. I'm Aga. I have 13 (thirteen) years old. I live in Poland, in a small village - ********** xD. I'm going to The Junior High(Secondary) School In *************** xD, Poland the name of John Paul II. I go to first class. I am liking listen to music, going for walks with friends and meet new people. My favorite genre of music is Reggae. My favorite subject in school is Polish, English and German. I have brother and Sister. My holiday I spend in Ireland. My friends are: Justyna, Marta and Kasia.
I'm waiting for your letter. I hope you like each other.
Greetings from me

Wiem, zę będzie masakrycznie dużo błędów xD... :P Dlatego to pisze xD

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