Gorące pozdrowienia z wakacji w Chorwacji . Zatrzymaliśmy się razem z rodzicami w niedużym hotelu z moimi rodzicami . Pogoda jest fantastyczna ! Codziennie świeci słońce i zawsze jest gorąco . Mój tata pływa w krystalicznym morzu , mama się opala i czyta gazetę , mój brat zbiera kamyki , a ja pisze do Ciebie i piję zimny sok truskawkowy .
Zgłoś nadużycie!
Warm greetings from holidays in Croatia. We stayed together with their parents in a small hotel with my parents. The weather is fantastic! Every day the sun is shining and it is always hot. My dad is flying in the crystalline sea, the mother is fired, and reading a newspaper, my brother collects pebbles, and I said to you, and drink a cold strawberry juice.
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Warm greetings from holidays in Croatia. We stayed together with their parents in a small hotel. The weather is fantastic! Every day the sun is shining and it is always hot. My dad is flying in the crystalline sea, the mother is fired, and reading a newspaper, my brother collects pebbles, and I said to you, and drink a cold strawberry juice.
Mam nadzieje ze pomogłąm :) Buzia :P
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Heats of greeting from holidays in Croatia. We stayed together with parents in the rather small hotel with my parents. The weather is marvellous! Every day he lights the sun and there is always a heat. My Dad is swimming in the crystalline sea, the mum is sunbathing and he is reading the newspaper, my brother is collecting pebbles, but I he is writing to you and I am drinking the cold strawberry juice.
Every day the sun is shining and it is always hot. My dad is flying in the crystalline sea, the mother is fired, and reading a newspaper, my brother collects pebbles, and I said to you, and drink a cold strawberry juice.
Mam nadzieje ze pomogłąm :)
Buzia :P
Mam nadzieję że dobrze ;)