January 2019 1 36 Report
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2 Keep tongs and other kitchen utensils ---- from bacteria
3 Keep hot foods --- to prevent bacteria growing (or multiplying)
4 ---- your food properly to destroy bacteria
5 Keep raw and ready-to-eat foods apart to prevent ----- contamination
6 Keep hot and cold foods at the correct -----------
8 Cook ---------- right through to the centre
9 You can’t see, smell or taste them in food but they can make you sick --------
11 Food held at temperatures between 5 and 60 degrees Celsuis is in the temperature ------ zone
12 When cooling foods for use later, put cooked foods like soups and ----- in the fridge as soon as they stop steaming
1 Wash and dry hands thoroughly ----- going to the toilet
7 Use it in the fridge so you know the fridge temperature -----------
10 Dry hands thoroughly ---- hands spread bacteria to things you touch
13 Defrost frozen ready to eat seafood in the fridge or in a ---------
14 Sometimes when you get sick from food poisoning you end up in-----
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