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Hi! I'm writting this email to tell you about my terrible nightmare last night. In dreamed I was on a balloon. I was very scared, because it was too far from land. Suddenly I heard a shot. Somebody shot my balloon. I was slowly falling into a black whole. When I opened my eyes I didn't see anything. It was dark. I tried to get up. At this point I saw a vampire. He wanted to bite me. I was scared so I started to run. The vampire caught me and in this time I woke up. Uff! It was terrible! Of course I don't believe in dreams.
Marysia Way!
Last night I had a terrible nightmare! I tell you.
I dreamed that I was in the woods and chasing mnnie a terriblr monster.
I felt terrible, this dream was so real, that up to belive in is that this beast wants me to eat!
I don't now whether I belive in dreams, but probably not beacuse the have never met:)
Dear Monica!
Hi! I'm writting this email to tell you about my terrible nightmare last night. In dreamed I was on a balloon. I was very scared, because it was too far from land. Suddenly I heard a shot. Somebody shot my balloon. I was slowly falling into a black whole. When I opened my eyes I didn't see anything. It was dark. I tried to get up. At this point I saw a vampire. He wanted to bite me. I was scared so I started to run. The vampire caught me and in this time I woke up. Uff! It was terrible! Of course I don't believe in dreams.
Your friend,
Ana :)