Przeniosłeś się z rodzicami do nowego domu na wsi. napisz list do kolegi/koleżanki z zagranicy.
1.Poinformuj o przeprowadzce na wies i podaj powód zmiany miejsca zamieszkania.
2. wspomnij kim są wasi sąsiedzi i w jaki sposó was przyjeli.
3.podaj dwie zmiany w twoim życiu spowodowane ta przeprowadzką
4. zaproś kolegę na wkacje i zaproponuj wspólne zwiedzanie okolicy
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear ... ,
Me and my family had to move to a village, because my dad bought a farm and wants to work on the farm with the animals. We also have got new neighbours, an older couple who are very nice. They welcomed us warmly and brought some cake. It was delicious. I am going to have to go to a new school and on the weekends I am also going to work on the farm and help my parents out. I was thinking maybe you could come and visit me in summer holidays, I could show you the area where I live.
Your ... .
Hi Adam,
I'm writing to you, because I have to tell you, I've moved to te village. I had to move out from the city, because my dad now is working here. But I cant complain about that, now I have nice neighbours, I think better than in the city. They are very polite, when we came they welcomed us very nice! The worst thing is that, I cant meet my friends as often as when I was living in the city, but I've met new people and I think they are very nice, so maybe they'll be my friends. Hey, maybe you want to come there at holidays? That will be very nice! I will show you all area.
Your friend,