Napisz list 50-100 słów, po angielsku! Temat: W ubiegłą sobotę urządziłaś u siebie w domu przyjęcie z okazji urodzin Twojego ojca. W liście do kolegi/koleżanki z Anglii napisz: ∞kogo zaprosiłaś na przyjęcie ∞jakie dania i napoje podano ∞czy przyjęcie podobało się jubilatowi i gościom
Hi Alex, How are you? I hope you are ok. I'm fine but tired and busy you know school, homework etc. A week ago my dad had a 40 th birthday. Together with my mom we threw a birthday party. I invited my grandparents and his colleagues. My mom baked a birthday cake. There was a lot of food made by my mom for example spaghetti and hot-dogs. I bought a few bootles of cola. The guests said they really liked that birthday party. My dad was really suprised because he got from me t-shirt with a name Black Sabbath. I think that party was great. I miss you so much. Take Care, XYZ Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam:)