Napisz e-mail do kolegi/koleżanki w którym opiszesz swoje wakacje 1.opisz problemy które miałaś podczas podróży 2.opisze wydarzenie ze swojej podróży,które najbardziej zapadło ci w pamięć 3.udziel rad osobom,które samodzielnie chcą zorganizować wyjazd 4.napisz na jakiego typu wakacje chcesz jechać za rok
olciiak0013Hi Karolina.Co have you been up there? For me, the bad weather in London and took a nearly identical dresses .And when we were at the airport that we were not able to get along with the British. The event that I liked the most was when we were in the palace of Princess Elizabeth was full of gold and her dogs are Goldens like I have. I almost got lost because it was not because it was the organizer of our weekly family outing. But for the year we want to go to Scotland and may be there forever. And then I'll miss you. Pa Pa Carolina.