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prosze kogoś kto napisze to dokładne, bo jest n na ocene.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I am writingthis letter to youbecauseI would liketo tell youwhat she sawon a trip toKrakow.
We traveledby trainto Krakowcalled "Sawa".We leftat6.05 andreturnedat 21.30.First,we visited thechurchand a Franciscan monastery.Then we wentto the OldTown.We have seendecorated withgargoylesCloth Halland touredSt. Mary's Church.We learned thatit is the largestand most important,theWawel Cathedral,the churchin Poland.Thenwe visited theSt. Florian's Gateand the Barbican.Guidetoldus thatthe Barbicanisthe northernmostpart of thecityfortificationsin Cracow.We werealso inthe PaulineChurchon the Rock, wherewe sawthe gravesof JohnDlugosz, AdamAsnykaandJozef Ignacy Kraszewski.At the endwe wentto the theaterto them.Słowacki.We watchedthe showFri"Thumbelina,"he wroteHans ChristianAndersen.The biggest attractionwas theDragon's Den.The teachertold usa legend, which statesthat theDragonJamieliveda terriblemonstertamedbypoorSzewczyk.After sucha wonderful,eventful day,whenwe got on thetrain, no oneevenhad thestrengthto speak.
Neverforgetthis tripbecauseI sawa lot ofsights andlearneda lotabout Krakow.I hope thatyouwill be moreorganizeddirector ofsuchtrips.The next timeyoucome with me.