1.Napisz 12 zdań w 4 różnych czasach.(Present Simple,Prsesnt Continous, Present Perfect i Past Continous)
2.Otrzymałaś wiadomość SMS od przyjaciela z informacją,że mecz siatkówki,który planowaliście rozegrać w piątek o godzinie 15:00 zostanie przesunięty na godzine 12:00.Przyjaciel pyta,czy ten ten termin Ci odpowiada.Napisz do niego wiadomość SMS (50-100 słów),w której:
* przeprosisz że nie bedziesz mogla wziąć udziału w meczu
*podasz powód/uzasadnisz swoja nieobecność
*zaproponujesz na zastępstwo kolege/koleżankę i wyjaśnisz,dlaczego ta osoba bedzie odpowiednia.
3.Jak wami minął weekend 15 zdań.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. Present Simple.
Mark reads books every night.
Lucy drinks milk every evening after sleep.
You can't speak Spanish.
Present Continous.
My sister is sleeping.
My mum is cooking a cake.
I am doing homework.
Present Perfect.
I have bought a new red dress.
Paul has cooked a soup for dinner.
Nina has found her old phone.
Past Continous.
Katherine were cleaning her room.
My mum were working.
I was doing my homework, when my mum called me.
2. Hey, Holly. I've got your message. I'm sorry, but I won't come to play. I think I'm ill and I've got a fever*, so I think I'll stay in the house at the weekend. I called Lucy, she said she can play instead** me. She was always good at volleyball games and she's free on Friday.
* fever - gorączka
** instead - zamiast
3. This weekend was one of the best weekends of my life! At Friday evening my parents took me to the cinema. Movie was great, we laughed like never before. At Saturday morning my sister went with me to the swimming pool. We had a great time together. Rest of the day I spent doing my homework. At Sunday my family always goes to the church*, but on this Sunday my parents took my and my sister to the baloon. We watched from the top the whole world. That was really funny. When we came back to home, I played computer games with my sister and dud. Mum was making dinner. I'd love to do things like this on every weekend. I only forget to say one thing. Do you have any idea why that all happened? Because at Saturday I had a birthday! I hope my parent repeat that on my next birthday.
* church - kościół
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