Przebywasz na dwumiesięcznym wakacyjnym kursie językowym w Londynie. Mieszkasz u brytyjskiej rodziny, ale nie jestes zadowolona. Nie masz dobrego kontaktu z dziećmi gospodarzy i nie podoba Ci sie tryb życia rodziny. Napisz list do kolegi/koleżanki z Austrii, w którym:
*podziękujesz koledze/koleżance za przesłane zdjecia
*przedstawisz krótko członków rodziny u ktorej mieszkasz
*opiszesz jak wyglada typowy dzień tej rodziny
*wyjaśnisz, jak układaja sie twoje kontakty z ta rodziną i jak sie w związku z tym czujesz.
minimum 120 słów
nie przyjmuje kopiowanych i napisanych w translatorze
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hey xxx
Thanks for the pictures you send me, they're great. I would send you mine, but at the moment I don't have any camera to take them.
Anyway- As I wrote before, I'm in London, and I hate it. I expected to have 2 months of some kind of adventure, new experience filled with meeting new people and friends, but things aren't so awesome.
I'm living in a house with local family. First of all- they just want to sit, eat junk food and watch TV all day long. Their kids- Marcus and Eve- are even worse. They don't want to go out and show me the city, and If I'm asking him them do something they are moaning, whinning and I need to do this thing on my own.
For them every day looks the same- Wake up, eat breakfast, go to work/ school, come back to their glorious house and do literally nothing.
It ended that they don't like me, and they want me to leave as soon as possible. To be honest- I really don't care. Im here to study, and I'm not gonna live with them for a rest of my life.
And how it's going in Austria ?
Best wishes
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