Napisz list do kolegi/koleżanki z Londynu zamierzającego/zamierzającej spędzić weekend w twoim mieście. Zaproponuj koledze/koleżance wspólne spędzenie soboty w wybranym miejscu. Opisz to miejsce Wyraź swoją opinię na temat opisywanej atrakcji. opisz po angielsku
Dear Aria. Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you. That is great that you are coming to Warsaw. Thank God that parents let you to. I already have plans for our weekend. What about meeting together in Złote Tarasy? This is the best place to spend your free time. I always go there after school. We could go to the cinema, drink coffe, go shopping. Afterwards I could show you Warsaw. There are lots of beautiful places. Whats more, I have to introduce you to my friends. They heard much about you and they really want to meet you. We will have a great time, I promise. You won't be bored. Can't wait to see you. Best wishes XYZ
Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you. That is great that you are coming to Warsaw. Thank God that parents let you to. I already have plans for our weekend. What about meeting together in Złote Tarasy? This is the best place to spend your free time. I always go there after school. We could go to the cinema, drink coffe, go shopping. Afterwards I could show you Warsaw. There are lots of beautiful places. Whats more, I have to introduce you to my friends. They heard much about you and they really want to meet you. We will have a great time, I promise. You won't be bored. Can't wait to see you.
Best wishes