August 2018 1 21 Report
Jestes na wakacjach we Wloszech. Napisz pocztowke do kolegi z Anglii, w ktorej: napiszesz, gdzie jestes, opiszesz krotko, jak spedzasz czas, wyjasnisz, dlaczego to miejsce tak bardzo ci sie podoba (2 argumenty), wyrazisz zal, ze kolega nie jest tam z toba.

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proszę o sprawdzenie mi zadania na temat Living in the city.A city is a relatively large and permanent settlement. City is much bigger than town or country, has more residents. Cities generally have advanced system for sanitation, utilities, land usage, housing and transportation.Nowadays nearly 65% of people live in cities. Living in the city has some advantages and disadvantages. The pace of live in the city is faster. People still hurry somewhere. They want as quickly as it possible to deal with everything. Career is most important to them. People haven’t got time to meet with friends or to get to know new friends. People often feel lonely. Most people are forced to live in blocks of flats because they can not afford anything else. In these blocks they can have unkind neighbours. Many of them are quite anonymous. It often happens that they don’t even know their neighbours and in an emergency they cannot count on their help.Next disadvantage are pollution and dirty streets. Air is polluted with fumes and smoke from factories. On the roads is more and more cars. It gives rise up to traffic jams too. Big problem is the lack of parking places and there are numerous car accidents almost every day. In the cities are not enough trees and parks. People throw rubbish on the streets. Now let’s think about advantages of living in the city. City offers more prospects for the future. First of all, big cities offer a greater choice of schools and universities which means that these young people can get necessary qualifications easier. In schools in the city is a higher level of teaching that in schools in the country. There are also many job vacancies and it is more probable to find a good, well paid and interesting job. Hence, there are more opportunities to succeed in life. In the cite is also access to large number of libraries and bookshops.Besides, there are different pubs, museums, cinemas, galleries and restaurants everywhere. It is enough to have a little money and people can take full advantage of all the goods that city can offer. There is always something interesting to see or to do and it is just impossible to be bored. The services in a big city are always better. There are a lot of good shops and department stores where you may buy everything what you need even at half-price. Additionally, there are many sports facilities such as swimming pools, tennis courts or gym halls where people may practice their favourite sports or spend their free time.In the city is well-developed public transport. We can choose between bus, taxi and metro. Sometimes man living in country must travel many kilometres before he go to dentist or buy washing powder. In the city is access to medical care and different offices.

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