Jesteś w sklepie z ubraniami. Oglądasz coś co ci się podoba. -zapytaj o takie samo ubranie, lecz w innym kolorze -zapytaj czy dostępne jest ubranie w twoim rozmiarze -zapytaj o możliwość przymierzenia
1. Are there other colours of these clothes? 2. Are there the same clothes in my size? 3. Could I try these clothes on?
1 votes Thanks 0
- Have you the same clothes, but in different colour? - Have you clothes in my size? - Can I try on this clothes?
0 votes Thanks 0
Is there such blouse perhaps only in the colour blue? And there is a Size the M? Could I try on?
2. Are there the same clothes in my size?
3. Could I try these clothes on?
- Have you clothes in my size?
- Can I try on this clothes?
And there is a Size the M?
Could I try on?
Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam :)