Jesteś na tygodniowej wycieczce szkolnej do Warszawy. Napisz do cioci z Anglii pocztówkę której:
- opiszesz jakajest pogoda
- opowiesz, co do tej pory widziałeś
- zachęcisz ją do odwidzenia muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego które zwiedziłeś podczas wycieczki.
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Aunt
Grettings from Warsaw! I'm in a school trip in this city now. There are beautiful weather, all time is sunny and warm. I almost saw Pałac Kultury i Nauki, Zoo and museum Powstania Warszawskiego. You will have to see this museum! There was incredible, ald interesting. I'll be back with two weeks.
Dear auntie!
How are you? I hope you're fine and everything is ok.
I'm writing to you from Warsaw. I'm here on a school trip.
Yesterday I was in warsaw museum and gallery of modern art,and later we went to National Library.
If one day you will be here you should visit the Warsaw Rising Museum,where I was yesterday. It was amazing!
The weather is awesome. Not too hot,not too cold. Just perfect. But today a little bit rainy.
Hope to see you soon.