Jesteś na obozie sportowym, opisz czym się zajmujecie, co do tej pory najbardziej ci się podobało oraz wspomnij o planowyanym spotkaniu ze znanym sportowcem.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I am writing aboutthe recent sport camp .
So far I have had lots of fun and I have never had more fun in my life . I have got fitter since the start of camp and I enjoyed every lesson and activity , my favourite time spent at camp was when we had a try at the triathlon . We had also met Usain Bolt and we even got his autographs.
I hope I can come back to the sports camp next year !
Hi Marta,
How are you? I have so much to tell you. We have to meet when I will back from this trip.
I am happy and joyful because of this excursion.
How you know I am on the sport's camp with my team of voleyball. Our coach is so cool. In our free time we can do all we want, but we have also a lot of training. I have to get up early and run at 7 am every day. We visited a lot of beautifull places. I liked the most the Olimpic stadium . It was a big experience for me to walk on the pitch, which played so many stars. In a short time we are meeting with a football's star, namely Cristiano Ronaldo. I can't wait for that meeting. I am so excited.
I will tell you all on my return. I will take an autograph for you as I promised. I can't wait to see you. I hope that you also.
See you soon, Michał.