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Proszę o pomoc, to bardzo ważne, na jutro!!!
Hi! I come back from my school trip. I was in London! The trip was very excited!! I saw there Big Ben - very high tower with a great four-faced chiming clock. This is an old tower, but it became one of the symbols of England. I took a lot of pictures. It's so good. I saw the Buckingham Palace too! This is a big, white palace. It's looks fantastic! London is a very big city. There are many shops, restaurants. We rode by double-deckers on Tower Bridge.There is a beautiful view! On first day we rode in Underground too! I bought there lots of suvenirs. I love London! Write me, where you were on the school trip? See you, XYZ
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Hello! I'm come back from my school trip now . I was in Wawel in Kraków. The best place was a castle . It is very hight , looks very rich , is a lot of street for visit , everythink was very interesing and beautiful. I visited Sala's Poselska , too . Important places was Kościół Mariacki . Where you was on your school trip ? Please write back to me . XYZ
I'm come back from my school trip now . I was in Wawel in Kraków. The best place was a castle . It is very hight , looks very rich , is a lot of street for visit , everythink was very interesing and beautiful. I visited Sala's Poselska , too . Important places was Kościół Mariacki .
Where you was on your school trip ?
Please write back to me .