Pod koniec zimy twój kolega/ twoja koleżanka narzeka na złe samopoczucie. Porozmawiaj z nim/ nią i udziel mu/ jej kilka rad> Poniżej podane są cztery kwestie, które musisz omówić w roamowie z egzaminującym ; * możliwe przyczyny złego samopoczucia * ruch i wypoczynek * zdrowe odżywianie * propozycje wspólnych działań
- Hi = Hi = how your frame of mind? - badly nothing for us wants itself. We are worn out still this winter is saddening us. = It perhaps proposes you to change the diet on better, of more vegetables and fruits of more move. Perhaps you will start practising sport? A bad diet is causing the malaise a movement is missing. And rest is something wonderful for the organism. Perhaps we will go somewhere to rest and then we will start healthily eating and practising sport? What you to it? - Yeah good idea. We are too.
- Hi
= Hi
= how your frame of mind?
- badly nothing for us wants itself. We are worn out still this winter is saddening us.
= It perhaps proposes you to change the diet on better, of more vegetables and fruits of more move. Perhaps you will start practising sport? A bad diet is causing the malaise a movement is missing. And rest is something wonderful for the organism. Perhaps we will go somewhere to rest and then we will start healthily eating and practising sport? What you to it?
- Yeah good idea. We are too.