November 2018 1 57 Report

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GRAMMAR1 Complete the sentences with the third conditional. Add not when necessary.1 If Guy Fawkes had not been discovered, he ____________ blown up the Houses of Parliament.2 We would not have learned about life in 14th century China if Marco Polo ____________ written a book describing it.3 If the tsunami in 2004 had not been so strong, it ___________ killed fewer people in Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka and Thailand.4 Bill Gates would not have become the richest man in the world if he ____________ created Microsoft computers.5 If the Romans had not spoken Latin, the French, Spanish and Italian languages ______________ developed.6 The Beatles would not have been such successful musicians in the 1960s and 70s if they _______________ worked so well together as a band.7 Madonna would probably have stayed in the USA if she ____________ married an Englishman.8 If Victoria Beckham had not married David, she ____________ become famous.9 People all over the world _______________ learned English if America had not become so rich and powerful.10 If only inventors ________________ made mobile phones that didn’t cost money!2 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use must, mustn’t, need to or don’t need to.1 It’s necessary to drive slowly in the centre of towns. You _____________________ slowly in the centre of towns.2 It is not necessary to clean your teeth five times a day. You _____________________ clean your teeth five times a day.3 It is forbidden for people under the age of 17 to drive in the UK You ______________________ under the age of 17 in the UK.4 It was necessary for me to keep calm to pass the exam. I __________________________ keep calm to pass the exam.5 Don’t go to bed after 11 o’clock tonight. You ___________________ to bed later than 11 o’clock tonight6 It wasn’t necessary for us to change money as we could use the euro everywhere We ________________ to change money as we could use the euro everywhere.7 At my school it is obligatory to wear black clothes You ________________ wear black clothes at my school.8 It’s quite warm outside so forget about a coat. You ________________ wear a coat – it’s quite warm outside.9 Drinking and driving aren’t allowed in many countries. You _______________ drink and drive in many countries.10 I’m fine so there’s no reason to worry about me. You ____________ worry about me. I’m fine.3 Read about last night. Complete the sentences with must have, can’t have, or mighthave.When I got home last night, the house was empty, but it looked like my brother and his girlfriend had been there because there were bags of supermarket shopping on the kitchen table, the TV was on, a cook book was open, the fridge door was open, my brother’s computer was on and his email was open, the phone was next to his computer, a €50 note was lying on the table, there were clothes all over my brother’s bedroom floor and there was a little bit of blood on the floor. Here’s what I thought might have happened.1 They _____________________ been shopping – I was sure about that.2 They _________________ wanted to do some cooking – I was sure about that too.3 They ________________ eaten, because there were no dirty plates anywhere.4 One of them ______________________ watched TV – I’m not sure.5 My brother ___________________ got or sent some emails – that was clear.6 My brother ____________________ got a phone call, but I’m not sure about that.7 He __________________ lost his favourite T-shirt – not sure about that either.8 They ____________________ left the house quickly – that’s for sure.9 They ____________________ forgotten the money. They would never normally leave all that money behind.10 One of them ____________________ cut a finger which explains why there was blood on the floor.5 Add a suitable word to complete each definition.1 petrol: the liquid that makes cars _________________2 cellar: a room ____________ a house where you keep things3 gunpowder: a powder used to blow things ______________4 yacht: a kind of ___________________5 short-haired: someone with short _____________6 crew: a ____________ of people working together, usually on a film or a boat7 ceiling: the surface of a room that you see when you look ____________8 strict: making sure that someone follows the __________________9 supervise: to watch something to make sure it is ____________ well10 well-fed: someone who has had a lot of _______________

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