Jedno zadanie z angielskiego -------> Dużo punktów :)
Imagine you are staying in a European town of your choice. you are at a language camp there. Write an e-mail (70-100 words) to your friend in poland about the place and its attractions.
Przetłumaczenie na polski:
Wyobraź sobie, że przebywasz w europejsim mieście. jesteś na obozie językowym. Napisz e-mail (70-100 słów) do swojego przyjaciela z Polski o tym miejscu i jego atrakcjach.
Jak coś to jestem chłopakiem ... :)
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Hi Adam,
I am staying in Rome at the language camp I told about you last month. There are a lot of young people here. They are almost the same age as I am so we have lots of subjects in common. We can sit for hours and talk about almost everything. Today we went sightseeing the Ancient City and I was really impressed. We also saw the Di Trevi Fountain - that was marvellous! Tomorrow we are going to the smallest country in the world- the Vatican. Hopefully I will see the Pope. Our teacher told us that we would see the grave of JP 2nd. After we come back we will see the Colloseum so I will take a lot of photos to show you.
Hope you are having great time there in Poland
With regards