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Ashley Michelle Tisdale (born July 2, 1985 in Deal, New Jersey) - American actress, singer and television producer. Her first big role was Maddie Fitzpatrick in the Disney TV series is not like a hotel. After this success, she starred in the series High School Musical as Sharpay Evans. Went on to musical history by being the first woman who made her debut on the Billboard Hot 100 simultaneously with two songs After Emma's role in the award-winning High School Musical musical career began on Feb. 6, 2007 releasing his first album, Headstrong. The album debuted at number 5 on the Billboard 200 selling over 64.000 copies in the first weekendziei winning later certified Gold. Tisdale role as Candace Flynn in the Disney Channel's Phineas and Ferb. The second album Guilty Pleasure premiere was released on 16 June 2009, while in the United States July 28, 2009 Tisdale starred in the film Aliens in the Attic, which was released July 31, 2009
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Aszli miczel tisdel (born In the secondo dżulaj najnti ejti fajf In Din nju dżersej)- amerikan aktres, singer and telewiżyn pro duser. Her ferst big rul łos medi fizpatrik In the Disney Ti wi series is not lajk hotel. After dis sakces szi stored In the haj skul mjusikal as szarpej ivans. Łent tu mjusikal histry baj bing the ferst łoman hu mejd Her debut on the bilbord hot łan handret simultanusli łiw tu songs. After emma’s rul In the ałard łining haj skul mjusikal mjusikal carer began over siksty for tałsnt kopis In the ferst łikendżi łining lejter kertified gold. Tisdel rul as Kendejs Flin In the disnej czanels fineasz end ferb. De secondo album Gilti pleżer premier łos rilejsed on sikstinth dżun two tousand and nine, łajl In de junajted stejds twenty eightst dżulaj two tousand and nine, Tisdale stored In de film Aliens In the attyk, łicz łos Relidze Thiry ferst dżulaj two tousand and nine.