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Hello! My names is milena. I am twelve years old and.Iam in class6. Iam from poland and I live in Orzelec Duzy. My best friend is Asia. My favorite subject at school is Polish. Im my free time I usally watch tv.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Heloł! Maj nejms is milena. Aj em Tłelw jers old end aj em in klas siks. Aj em from połlend end aj liwe in Orzelec Duzy. Maj best friends is asia. Maj fejfryt sabdżekt et skól is polisz. Ajm maj fri tajm aj juziualy łocz tiwi.
Heloł! Maj nejms is Milena. Aj em tłelw jers old end aj em in klas siks. Ajm from Poland end Aj liw in Orzelec Duży.Maj best friend is Asia. Maj fejwrit sabdżekt tą skól is Polisz. In maj fri tajm Aj jużli łacz ti wi.
Heloł. Maj nejms is Milena. Aj em tłejw jers old. Aj em in klass six. Aj em from Połlend end Aj lajf in Orzelec Duży. Maj best frend is Asia. Maj fejwryt sabdżekt at skul is Połisz. In maj frii tajm Aj jużułeli wacz ti vi.