Jak się czujesz? Mam nadzieję, że Boże Narodzenie minęło Ci w miłej, rodzinnej i spokojnej atmosferze. Myślę, że jesteś zadowolony ze swoich prezentów oraz dużej ilości wolnego czasu.
Tegoroczne święta nie różniły się znacząco od poprzednich. Razem z mamą, tatą i siostrą spędziliśmy je na wsi u dziadków. Po miło spędzonej Wigilii wszyscy udaliśmy się na Pasterkę. Wracając do domu śpiewaliśmy kolędy i było nam bardzo wesoło. Byłem zadowolony, ponieważ w prezencie dostałem pieniądze. Pierwszego dnia świąt bardzo się nudziłem. Jedynym moim zajęciem było oglądanie telewizji i gra na komputerze. Drugiego dnia świąt przyjechała do nas ciotka z wujkiem. Po obiedzie poszliśmy całą rodziną na spacer. Wieczorem wróciliśmy do naszego domu. Ten dzień zleciał bardzo szybko. Uważam, że święta były udane, jedyne co mi psuło nastrój to brak śniegu. Nocy sylwestrowej nie mogłem się doczekać od bardzo dawna. Aby przywitać nowy rok udałem się do znajomych na imprezę. Oczywiście nie obyło się bez fajerwerków. Bardzo hucznie pożegnaliśmy tamten rok. Resztę wolnych dni siedziałem w domu i nudziłem się przed komputerem oglądając mecze i filmy.
Tak wyglądała moja przerwa świąteczna. W odpowiedzi napisz, jak Ty ją spędziłeś.
How are you? I hope that you spent your Christmas in a happy and quiet family atmosphere. I think that you are happy with your presents and a lot of free time.
Christmas this year did not differ much from the previous one. Along with my mum, dad and sister I spent it at my grandparents’ in the country. After pleasantly spent Christmas Eve we all went to Midnight Mass. On our way back home we were singing Christmas carols and we felt very cheerful. I was very pleased, because I received money as a present. On the first day of Christmas I was very bored. My only activities were watching TV and playing computer games. On the second day of Christmas my aunt with my uncle came. After dinner our whole family went for a walk. We came back in the evening. That day passed really quickly. In my opinion this Christmas was a good one, the only thing that spoiled my mood was the lack of snow. I have looked forward to New Year’s Eve for a very long time. To welcome the New Year I went to a party to my friends. Of course it couldn’t do without the fireworks. We parted with the Old Year uproariously. I spent the rest of my days off sitting at home and getting bored in front of the computer watching matches and films.
This is what my Christmas break looked like. In response let me know how you spent it.
How are you? I hope that you spent your Christmas in a happy and quiet family atmosphere. I think that you are happy with your presents and a lot of free time.
Christmas this year did not differ much from the previous one. Along with my mum, dad and sister I spent it at my grandparents’ in the country. After pleasantly spent Christmas Eve we all went to Midnight Mass. On our way back home we were singing Christmas carols and we felt very cheerful. I was very pleased, because I received money as a present. On the first day of Christmas I was very bored. My only activities were watching TV and playing computer games. On the second day of Christmas my aunt with my uncle came. After dinner our whole family went for a walk. We came back in the evening. That day passed really quickly. In my opinion this Christmas was a good one, the only thing that spoiled my mood was the lack of snow. I have looked forward to New Year’s Eve for a very long time. To welcome the New Year I went to a party to my friends. Of course it couldn’t do without the fireworks. We parted with the Old Year uproariously. I spent the rest of my days off sitting at home and getting bored in front of the computer watching matches and films.
This is what my Christmas break looked like. In response let me know how you spent it.