Jak napisać po angielsku pare zdań zdanie. Mam napisać , dlaczego chciałabym zostać śpiewaczką operową ( 2 agrumenty) i dlaczego nie chce zostać sprzedawcą w sklepie i instruktorem jogi ( tez do każdego 2 argumenty) Proszę o pomoc .
I would like tobean opera singerbecauseIwon agreatfameandmoney.I would not wantto bein storesbecause you havea lotto knowand weaknessesare of theprofits.
I would like to be an opera singer because I won a great fame and money. I would not want to be in stores because you have a lot to know and weaknesses are of the profits.
Why would you like become opera singer?
I would like become opera singer,because i like sing,and i feel that I am in it good!
Why wouldn't you like become seller in the shop and instructort of the yoga?
Because to little money,and big physical effort.