Podczas pobytu w Anglii mieszkasz u angielskiej rodziny. Twoi gospodarze pytają o Twojego najlepszego przyjaciela/Twoją najlepszą przyjaciółkę. *Opisz im wygląd Twojego najlepszego przyjaciela/Twojej najlepszej przyjaciółki. *Napisz co cenisz w nim/niej najbardziej. *Spytaj ich, czy znają kogoś, kto go/ją przypomina.
I want to tell tou about my best friend Ania. She is 12 years old. Ania is a tall, slim girl. She has got long light hair, big brown eyes and a beautiful smile. Ania is very helpful she always helps me when I have problems. I like her beacuse he is cheerful and optimistic. She often smiles and she likes talking with other people. Do you know any one who is similar to Ania?
I want to tell tou about my best friend Ania. She is 12 years old. Ania is a tall, slim girl. She has got long light hair, big brown eyes and a beautiful smile. Ania is very helpful she always helps me when I have problems. I like her beacuse he is cheerful and optimistic. She often smiles and she likes talking with other people.
Do you know any one who is similar to Ania?