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a w tabelce było :
Why don't you come..?
I want to invite tou to...
How about comming...?
Z góry dziękuję :)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hello Kate!
HOw are you?
Recently I have seen an interesting advertiasment about educational camp which is organised by my Head Master. This camp will take a place in two weeks time and is totally free, can you imagine? MOreover the programe of educational course is really creative, In the morning we will study english poem with famous lecturer from Bristol but I don't know his name yet because it supposed to be surprise. Later on we will learn by heart english idioms and find out what are they mean. I want you invite you for this camp, i Think it gonna be fun, don't you? Make up your mind and let me know as soon as possible.
Take care