October 2018 1 21 Report

Podczas najbliższych wakacji Twoja siostra wychodzi za mąż. W liście do kolegi/ koleżanki z Anglii:

-poinformuj go/ją o ślubie Twojej siosrty oraz o czasie i miejscu tego wydarzenia,

-zaproś go/ją na przyjęcie weselne ,

-zaproponuj wycieczkę w ciekawe miejsce w Polsce po weselu.

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Przetłumacz tekst. Nie z translatora -.- daje naj. Over 400 years ago, a gang led by Guido Fawkes – now known as Guy Fawkes – attempted to blow up King James I and his government in London. Fawkes and his gang were Catholics, who were persecuted in England at that time. They fi lled the cellars of the Houses of Parliament with barrels containing 2,500kg of gunpowder, but their plot was discovered. Fawkes was caught red-handed just before he set light to the explosive, and 5th November 1605 became a memorable date in history. After his arrest, Fawkes said, ‘I wish I had succeeded. If only they hadn’t caught me!’ Some people still wish he had got away with it. But what would have happened if the gunpowder had exploded? Calculations show that the explosion would have fl attened a large part of central London. There would have been total destruction of all buildings within 42 metres. Walls and roofs of buildings up to over 100 metres away would have collapsed, while up to 500 metres away ceilings would have fallen and glass would have cracked or broken. What’s more, if the plot had succeeded, the king and all the nobles, bishops and MPs in parliament would have died. Would London – and England – have ever recovered? Fawkes and the other conspirators were all executed. Today, people in Britain still celebrate the failure of the ‘Gunpowder Plot’ with bonfi res and fi reworks on 5th November. But in a BBC poll, Guy Fawkes was voted a hero. He was listed in the top 100 Great Britons among Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, Florence Nightingale, Emmeline Pankhurst, William Shakespeare – and Robbie Williams!

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