September 2018 2 17 Report

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słówka- opened x2,created,took, needed, sent, wrote, started, used x2, came, became x2

*Computer scientists first 1)........ thinking about a global network in the 1960s because the US army 2)...... a safe way to share and communicate information.

*A lot of people 3)....... interested in the global network in 1971 when Ray Tomlinson 4)........ up with the idea of using the '@' for the e-mail address. In fact, e-mail communication quickly 5).......... the most important use of the Internet.

*The man who first 6)....... the name World Wide Web was Tim Berners-Lee. He also 7)........ the first website in the world ( You can still visit this website today.

*The Internet is growing very fast. It 8)....... 38 years for the radio. 13 for TV and only 5 years for the Internet to have 50 million users.

*The first online shop, Books. com 9) 1992 and it was a book store. The famous store 10)........... two years later.

*Einar Stefferud was the man who first 11)........ a spam message in 1978. He 12).........a collection of e-mail addresses to send about 1000 invitations to his birthday. The funny thing was that so many people 13)............ answers to his invitation that his server was comletely blocked.

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