You meet an english boy/girl at a party -find out if he/she has brothers or sisters. -tell him/her about your family . -find out what he/she does at the weekend. -tell him/her what you do in your free time . Proszę o przykładowy dialog po angielsku + wersję przetłumaczoną na polski
A: Hi, have you got siblings ? // Czesc, czy masz rodzenstwo? B: Yes, i've got one brother. He is 13 . // Mam 13-sto letniego brata A: I have one sister and one brother, they are older than me. What are you doing this weekend? // Mam starszego brata i starsza siostre. Co robisz w ten weekend ? B: I'am going out with friends this weekend. We will go to the cinema or to the beach. It depends on what weather will be like . // Wychodze ze znajomymi w ten weekend, pojdziemy do kina albo na plaze. To zalezy od pogody A: I like very much to meet my friends in my free time. I very often go out with my best friend Ania when i have free time. She's like my sister, we always have got much subjects to talk. //Bardzo lubie spotykac sie ze znajomymi w wolnym czasie. Bardzo czesto wychodze z moja najlepsza przyjaciolka Ania, jest jak moja siostra, mamy sporo tematow do rozmow.
// Czesc, czy masz rodzenstwo?
B: Yes, i've got one brother. He is 13 .
// Mam 13-sto letniego brata
A: I have one sister and one brother, they are older than me. What are you doing this weekend?
// Mam starszego brata i starsza siostre. Co robisz w ten weekend ?
B: I'am going out with friends this weekend. We will go to the cinema or to the beach. It depends on what weather will be like .
// Wychodze ze znajomymi w ten weekend, pojdziemy do kina albo na plaze. To zalezy od pogody
A: I like very much to meet my friends in my free time. I very often go out with my best friend Ania when i have free time. She's like my sister, we always have got much subjects to talk.
//Bardzo lubie spotykac sie ze znajomymi w wolnym czasie. Bardzo czesto wychodze z moja najlepsza przyjaciolka Ania, jest jak moja siostra, mamy sporo tematow do rozmow.