Odpowiedz po ang. na poniższe pytanie. Mają one się wiązać z Ryszardem Riedelem..proszę, aby były w takim czasie jak poniższe zdania. Na poziomie szóstej klasy i nie używać tłumacza..chce, aby mi to napisała osoba, która zna się trochę na angielski,. Ma to być w stylu życiorysu, nie za długie..Proszę przetłumaczyć na polski tekst który mi napiszecie.
1. Where and when was he/she born?
2. What do we know about his/her early life?
3. How did he/she start in his/her profession?
4. How did he/she become famous?
5. What did he/she achieve?
6. What do we know about his/her later life?
Całymi zdaniami..
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. Ryszard Riedel was born in 1956 in Chorzów.
2. He was born as second child. To the Dżem team he joined in 1973. The Kombi team wanted to have him in their team, but he rejected their offer.
3. He was self-taught.
4. He joined to the Dżem team and thats how he became famous.
5. He was very nice singer. He was called as the last hippis of our times.
6. He was taking drugs, he had problems of his life and he died in 1994.
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