HEjka! mam prośbę:) mógłby ktos przetłumaczyć to na język angielski, tylko proszę nie spisywac z netu bo tam sam szukałam i nic dobrego nie znalazłam :)
Jak miał na imię ojciec Marcina? Waldemar Wincenty Wiesław Walenty
2. Jak miał na imię Zygier? Marian Michał Bernard Leszek
3. Jak nazywa się autor książki? Paweł Jasienica Henryk Sienkiewicz Stefan Żeromski Adam Mickiewicz
4. Jak nazywano pierwszego nauczyciela Jędrzeja Radka? Mroźny Rurka Kawka Łokieć
5. W kim zakochał się Borowicz? W Ewie Mikołajczak W Elizie Mazowieckiej W Zofii Malinowskiej W Annie Stogowskiej
6. W jakiej miejscowości znajdowała się pierwsza szkoła Borowicza? Skowronki Owczary Gawronki Barany Wielki
7. Czy Borowicz miał rodzeństwo? Tak, brata Tak, siostrę i brata Nie Tak, siostrę
8. Czy któryś z radców umarł w trakcie powieści? Nie, żaden z nich nie umarł Tak, radca Grzebicki Tak, obaj umarli Tak, radca Somonowicz
9. Jak nazywał się inspektor, który bardzo lubił Borowicza? Zabielski Poleski Oliński Warlicki
10. Jakiego pochodzenia byli rodzice "Biruty"? Matka-Rosjanka, ojciec-Polak oboje byli Polakami oboje byli Rosjanami Matka-Polka, ojciec-Rosjanin
What was the name of Martin's father? Waldemar Wincenty Wiesław Walenty
2nd What was the name of Zygier? Marian Michał Bernard Leszek
3 What is the author of a book? Paweł Jasienica Henryk Sienkiewicz, Stefan Zeromski
4th As the first teacher was called Jędrzeja Radka? Frosty Pipe Kawka Elbow
5. Jackdaw In love with whom Borowicz? In Eve Mikołajczak In the Eliza Mazowiecka In Sophia Malinowska In Anna Stogowska
6. In what town was the first school Borowicz? Larks Owczary Gawronki Great Rams
7. Do you have siblings Borowicz? Yes brother, Yes sister and brother No Yes, sister,
8. Did any of the attorneys in the course of the novel dead? No, none of them had died Yes, counselor Grzebicki Yes, they both died so, Yes, counsel Somonowicz
9. What was the name of the inspector, who was very fond Borowicz? Zabielski Poleski Oliński Warlicki
10. What were the parents of origin ''Biruty''? Russian mother, father-Pole both were Poles, Both were Russians a Polish mother, father-Russian
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1. What was Marcin's father name? 2. What was Zygier's name? 3. What is author's surname? 4. What was Jedrzej Radek's first teacher's pseudonym? (chyba tak) 5. Whom did Borowicz fall in love with? 6. What town was the first Borowicz's school in? (chyba) 7. Had the Borowicz got siblings? 8. Did one of advisers die in this book? 9. What was inspector's who really liked Borowicz surname? (chyba) 10. What orgin were "Biruta" 's parents?
Dlaczego macie tłumaczyć pytania z "Syzyfowych prac" na angielski?
2nd What was the name of Zygier?
3 What is the author of a book?
Paweł Jasienica
Henryk Sienkiewicz,
Stefan Zeromski
4th As the first teacher was called Jędrzeja Radka?
5. Jackdaw In love with whom Borowicz?
In Eve Mikołajczak
In the Eliza Mazowiecka
In Sophia Malinowska
In Anna Stogowska
6. In what town was the first school Borowicz?
Great Rams
7. Do you have siblings Borowicz?
Yes brother,
Yes sister and brother
Yes, sister,
8. Did any of the attorneys in the course of the novel dead?
No, none of them had died
Yes, counselor Grzebicki
Yes, they both died so,
Yes, counsel Somonowicz
9. What was the name of the inspector, who was very fond Borowicz?
10. What were the parents of origin ''Biruty''?
Russian mother, father-Pole
both were Poles,
Both were Russians
a Polish mother, father-Russian
2. What was Zygier's name?
3. What is author's surname?
4. What was Jedrzej Radek's first teacher's pseudonym? (chyba tak)
5. Whom did Borowicz fall in love with?
6. What town was the first Borowicz's school in? (chyba)
7. Had the Borowicz got siblings?
8. Did one of advisers die in this book?
9. What was inspector's who really liked Borowicz surname? (chyba)
10. What orgin were "Biruta" 's parents?
Dlaczego macie tłumaczyć pytania z "Syzyfowych prac" na angielski?