Hej ;) Proszę pomóżcie mi to przetłumaczyć na angielski. Pilne.
Zdjęcie to przedstawia mnie, mamę i psa, którego trzema siostra na polu campingowym nad morzem Bałtyckim. Wszyscy jesteśmy ubrani letnio, opaleni i szczęśliwi. Za nami jest czerwony namiot z żółtymi sznurkami. W oddali widać pranie i drzewa.
Nazywam się Ala. Mam niebieskie oczy, długie brązowe włosy jestem niska. Lubię jeździć na rowerze i zbierać kaktusy. Często chodzę na spacery z psami, a mam ich trójkę. Śpiewam w chórze szkolnym "Alimu". Mam starszą siostrę Hanię, która ma 21lat i studiuje.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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The picture shows me, my mother and my sister who's holding our dog. We are in the Caravan Camping at the Baltic Sea. We all are wearing summer clothes. We are tanned and happy. Behind us there is a red tent witch yellow twines. At the background you can see laundry and a lot of trees.
My name is Ala. I have blue eyes and long, brown hair. I'm short. I like cycling and also I also love cactus I collect them. I often go for a walk with my three dogs. I sing in a school choir named "Alimu". I hace older sister Hania. She is 21 years old and she's in college.
This photo presents me, my mom and my doggy which lives in my cousine's camping field in the seaside of Baltic sea. We all wear summer clothes and we're prietty suntanned and smiled. Behind us you can see a red tent with yellow lines. There are green trees and washhouse in the distance.
My name's Alice, I have blue eyes and long brown hair. I'm short.
I like ridding a bike and collect cactuses. I often walk my three dogs for pleasure.
I sing in the school choir "Alimu". I have older sister Hania who's 21 years old and studding.