Hej pomoze ktoś bo nie weim jak moge udzielić na te pytania odpowiedz... mam nadzieję ze ktoś pomoze, z góry wielkie dzieki ,daje naj ;))
prosze tez o nie korzystanie z tłumacza google ani innych tego typu :P
napisze rady do podanych zdan (sytuacji)
a tu załącznik
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. You should talk to your brother honestly and tell him about consequensces of being a truant.
2. You should go to her house and make her talk to you. Or write to her and email .
3.You should fight for your identity and your dignity. No one can treat you this way.
4. You should ask your teacher to explain it to you again.
5. You should tell your parents about or you should go to the police and report it.
6.You should learn to exam by yourself. You can't choose the easiest way to pass an exam.