Hej, mógłby mi ktoś to przetłumaczyć ? Proszę o użycie czasów pasy simple i past countinuous. Z góry dziękuję. :D
Ta historia wydarzyła się tydzień temu.Incydent rozpoczął się w banku. Najpierw bandyci zdemolowali bank a następnie za zakładników wzięli 10 klientów i 5 pracowników od policji zażądali by odjechali z pod banku a oni w zamian wypuści wszystkich . Po 28 godzin udało się wszystkich uratować a przestępców złapać i odwieść do więzienia. Ludzie byli głodni i spragnieni nie mieli dostępu do toalety, spali a podłodze w tym czasie rabusie okradali bank i ludzi łącznie udało im się zdobyć 2 miliony złotych, oczywiście policja uporała się z szajką przestępców. Wszystkich poszkodowani zostali przewiezieni do miejscowego szpitala gdzie podano im płyny i jedzenie. Jeden z zakładników był bardzo zszokowany sytuację mówi że to było straszne.
This story happened a week of.Incydent started in the bank. First demolished ban robbers then took hostage 10 customers and 5 staff from the police demanded that drove away from the bank and in return they will release all. After 28 hours was able to save everyone and catch and dater criminals to prision. People were hungry and thirsty had no access to toilets, sleep and the floor during this time the robbers robbed a bank and people togheter they manged to get to milions,of course police tackled a gang of criminals. All the victims were transport to a local hospital where they givens fluids and eating. One of the hostages was very shocked by the situation said it was horrible
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This story happened last week. The incident started in a bank. First, bandits destroyed a bank and then they took hostages. It was ten customers and five employees. When the police arrived, they demanded to leave the bank. After twenty-eight hours was able to helping all. The police drove offenders to prison. People was hunger and thirsty and they sleept on the floor. All victim people transported to the hospital, where given them food. One of the hostages was very shocked and he said: "It was terrible".
drove away from the bank and in return they will release all. After 28 hours was able to save everyone and catch and dater criminals to prision. People were hungry
and thirsty had no access to toilets, sleep and the floor during this time the robbers
robbed a bank and people togheter they manged to get to milions,of course police
tackled a gang of criminals. All the victims were transport to a local hospital where they givens fluids and eating. One of the hostages was very shocked by the situation said it was horrible
One of the hostages was very shocked and he said: "It was terrible".