Hej:) Mam napisać recenzję z filmu na angielski.Napisałam ją po polsku. BARDZO proszę o przetłumaczenie jej na j. ang. Zależy mi na piątce, a nauczycielka za mną nie przepada....ludzie, pomóżcie! ( daje naj;) ale za głupoty zgłaszam)
Dnia 13 lutego 2010 roku, obejrzałam film pt. ''Apocalipse Now'', w reżyserii Francisca Forda Coppoli, na podstawie książki Josepha conrada pt. ''Jądro ciemności''. Jest to bardzo dobry film wojenny. Akcja toczy się w Wietnamie. Kapitan Benjamin Willard (Martin Sheen) otrzymuje zlecenie zlikwidowania pułkownika Waltera Kurtza, który według władz oszalał. Willard jest świadkiem dziwnego obrazu wojny. Bardzo bezsensownej wojny. Miejsca przez które podróżują bohaterowie, są bardzo niebezpieczne i dzikie. Film jest dopracowany w najdrobniejszych szczegółach. Można podziwiac piękne efekty specjalne. W tle słychać utwór The End zespołu The Doors - ówczesny symbol wolności. Bardzo podobał mi się ten film. Serdecznie polecam go wszystkim, którzy lubią filmy wojenne.
Zgłoś nadużycie!
On 13 February 2010, examined the film pt. Apocalipse Now''''directed by Francisco Ford Coppola, based on the book by Joseph Conrad Fri ''Heart of Darkness''. This is a very good war film. The action takes place in Vietnam. Captain Benjamin Willard (Martin Sheen) receives the request of Colonel Walter Kurtz elimination, which authorities said was mad. Willard is a witness to a strange picture of the war. A senseless war. Places of heroes who travel, are very dangerous and wild. The film is nuanced in the minutest detail. You can admire the beautiful special effects. In the background, hear the song "The End band The Doors - then a symbol of freedom. I very liked this movie. Heartily recommend it to anyone who likes war movies.
proszę bardzo :D
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On 13 February 2010, examined the film pt." Apocalipse Now" directed by Francisco Ford Coppola, based on the book by Joseph Conrad Fri ''Heart of Darkness''. This is a very good war film. The action takes place in Vietnam. Captain Benjamin Willard (Martin Sheen) receives the request of Colonel Walter Kurtz elimination, which authorities said was mad. Willard is a witness to a strange picture of the war. A senseless war. Places of heroes who travel, are very dangerous and wild. The film is further elaborated in the minutest detail. You can admire the beautiful special effects. In the background, hear the song "The End band The Doors - then a symbol of freedom. I very liked this movie. Heartily recommend it to anyone who likes war movies.
Apocalipse Now''''directed by Francisco Ford Coppola, based on the book by Joseph Conrad Fri ''Heart of Darkness''. This is a very good war film.
The action takes place in Vietnam. Captain Benjamin Willard (Martin Sheen) receives the request of Colonel Walter Kurtz elimination, which authorities said was mad. Willard is a witness to a strange picture of the war.
A senseless war. Places of heroes who travel, are very dangerous and wild.
The film is nuanced in the minutest detail. You can admire the beautiful special effects. In the background, hear the song "The End band The Doors - then a symbol of freedom.
I very liked this movie.
Heartily recommend it to anyone who likes war movies.
proszę bardzo :D
The action takes place in Vietnam. Captain Benjamin Willard (Martin Sheen) receives the request of Colonel Walter Kurtz elimination, which authorities said was mad. Willard is a witness to a strange picture of the war. A senseless war. Places of heroes who travel, are very dangerous and wild.
The film is further elaborated in the minutest detail. You can admire the beautiful special effects. In the background, hear the song "The End band The Doors - then a symbol of freedom.
I very liked this movie. Heartily recommend it to anyone who likes war movies.