Hej mam napisać na angielski o ochronie środowiska
Of action in favour of the environmental protection became recently very popular what supplied to the coming into existence of the new subculture. Mainly educated people being included in a high end form it. They are these are people conscious of how being is popular environmentally friendly and are proud of their habit of buying renewable products. It consists mainly in buying the ecological food in groceries which proudly are promoting themselves with the help of environment-friendly products. Some activists are expressing their dissatisfaction, because this group of people is buying products under the aegis of ecology being in favour in addition of none with ideals of this doctrine. So renewable and eco-friendly products are often more expensive buying them became the indicator of the affluence.
Some activists are expressing their dissatisfaction, because this group of people is buying products under the aegis of ecology being in favour in addition of none with ideals of this doctrine. So renewable and eco-friendly products are often more expensive buying them became the indicator of the affluence.