Have you ever ... if there is any palce here wiyhout rubbish in the streets?
People say that Singapore is the .. city in the world.
If you are caught littering in Singapore, you have to wear a special, yellow vest.
In this way people see immediately ... did something wrong.
1.Wchitch of these words fits the sentence grammatically? Why?
A.wonder B.wondering C.wondered
2.Wchitch of these words fits the sentence because of ist meaning? Why?
A.dirtiest B.cleanest C.saftest
3.Wchich of these pronouns logically fits the sentence? Why?
A.They B.You C.We
Proszę o przetłumaczenie oraz rozwiązanie zadania.
Dziękuję. ;*
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. Które z tych słów pasuje do zdania gramatycznie? Czemu?
1. C. Wondered fits the sentence grammatically because it's in Present Perfect.
Wondered pasuje do zdania gramatycznie, bo jest w Present Perfect.
2. Które z tych słów pasuje do zdania ze względu na jego znaczenie? Czemu?
2. B.Cleanest fits the sentence because the text is about cleanliness.
Cleanest pasuje do zdania, bo tekst jest o czystości.
3. Który z tych zaimków logicznie pasuje do zdania? Czemu?
3. A. They logically fits the sentence because it refers to the people.
They logicznie pasuje do zdania, bo odnosi się do ludzi.