September 2018 1 30 Report

Proszę was moi drodzy o pomoc w kilku dla was pewno prostym, dla mnie niestety nie zadaniach z ćwiczeń exam connections, a dokładniej chodzi tu o zadania 2,3,4,5,6 str 59 i 7,8 str 60 oto ich treść dla tych, którzy nie posiadają tych ćwiczeń, a również są chętni udzielić mi pomocy :

zad. 2 str. 59

Dopasuj pytania do odpowiedzi.

1)did you have fun? a) No, we couldnt

2)did john go out yesterday? b) No, she didnt

3)Could he help you? c) No, it didnt

4)Did Sarah go with you? d)No, he couldnt

5)Did you watch the film? e)Yes, he did

6)Could you play tennis? f)Yes, i did

7)Did they meet Martha? g)No, we didnt

8)Did it rain? h)Yes, they did

Podpunkt 1 został już połączony z podpunktem f dla przykładu.

zad. 3 str. 59

Przekształć zdania twierdzące w przeczące, a zdania przeczące w twierdzące.

1)We didnt go swimming last weekend

2)I saw you in te cafe.

3)Steven woke up early yesterday

4)They didnt have a good time

5)We won the match

6)I didnt go on holiday lat year

7)She met her husband in Paris

8)You couldnt hep me

Wystarczy tylko wskazać miejsce zdania, które decyduje o tym czy zdanie jest twierdzące czy przeczące, a następnie zamienić należycie do treści zadania to słowo czy dwa nie trzeba przepisywać całego zdania

zad 4 str 59

Wstaw What, Who, How, Where lub Did.

.................... did you choose to go there? Because its beautiful.

.................... did you meet there? My cousin Stephen.

.................... did you get there? By train.

................... did you do there? We went to the castle.

..................... you have a good time there? Yes. we did

zad 5 str 59

Ułuż zdania w takiej kolejności, aby powstał dialog.

Kate Who did you go with?

oh how is she?

i saw that last week. did you like it?

The cinema? what did you see?

What did you do last weekend?


King Kong

i went with Sally

I went to the cinema

She is fine

Yes, I did. it was great

Kate What did you do last weekend?

Mark .......................................

Kate .........................................

Mark ....................................

kate .........................................

Mark .............................................

Kate ........................................

Mark ...........................................

Kate ....................................

Mark .........................................

zad 6 str 59

Ułuż dialog, wykorzystaj podane informacje. Użyj dialogu z ćw. 5 jako wzór.

John is asked Sally about her weekend. Sally went to the cinema with Mark ( see Exercise 5). She didnt like the film. She thought it was strange.

John What did you do last weekend, Sally?

Sally ......................................................



Sally ...................................



John .....................................................


zad 7 str. 60

Utwórz pytania z podanych wzorów, tak aby uzupełnic dialog.

Susan did/go/at the weekend?/Where/you

1) Where did you go at the weekend?

James I went to London

Susan with?/go/you/Who/ did


James My brother, Tim

Susan there?/How/get/you/did


James We took the train

Susan time/ you/ What / did/arrive


James About eleven oclock in the morning

Susan you/did/do/Want/ there?


James We saw Big Ben and went to museum

Susn lunch/ there?/have/Did/you


James Yes, we did

Susan eat?/did/you/ What


James Sandwiches

have/ Did/ a time/good/you


James Yes, we did,thanks. It was great.

zad8 str. 60

Zadaj pytania na temat wycieczki jamesa i Tima do Londynu i odpowiedż n a nie.

1) they/go to London

Did they go to London?

Yes, they did

2) Tim/go alone



3) they/fly



4) they/arrive in the afternoon?



5) they/ see Big Ben?



6) they? go to the theatre?



7) they/ have sandwiches for lunch



8 they / have a terrible time

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