February 2019 0 15 Report
1. Samochód o masie m1 = 1000 kg, jadący z prędkością v1 = 108 km/h, zderzył się z autobusem jadącym z przeciwka z prędkością
v2 = 72 km/h o masie m2 = 10 000 kg. Po zderzeniu oba pojazdy poruszały się razem.
a) Jaka była ich wspólna prędkość v tuż po zderzeniu?
b) Oblicz, ile energii E zostało zamienione na ciepło podczas zderzenia
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Prosze o Pomoc !! Przeczytaj ponizszy tekst. Uzupelnij luki w tekscie wyrazami zanjdujacymi sie pod tekstem. In the 1900s, people were keen to 1 ..... about new ideas and inventions , but perhaps the most popular and amazing idea of that decade was the radio. The first demonstration of the radio took 2..... on Christmas Eve , 1906. On this day wireless operators on ships off the coast 3 ..... the USA became the worlds first radio 4 ..... . The morse code ( a series of short and long sounds) they were 5 ..... to was suddenly interrupted by the sound of a voice coming 6 ..... their headphones . They heard someone talling the story of Christams abd a violin playing " silent night". The voice 7 ..... them a merry Christmas and then the morse code started up again . The voice belonged to a man named Reginald Fessenden . He was an inventor and an engineer who had been trying to produce voice radio 8 ..... 1901.His succes amused many people , but very few of them believed that voice radio would ever be useful. 9.... after wourld war I , when there were several advances in technology , more people bought and used radios . In 1920 , the first radio stationstarted to broadcast , and four years later , there were 600 radio stations acrosss the USA . 10 ..... Days milions of homes all over the planet have radio sets. Radio is a part of our lives , and it is here to stay 1. A.learn B.study C.find D.teach 2. A.part B.off C up D. place 3. A.from B .of C. with D.to 4.A.spectators. B.watchers. C.audience D.viewers 5. A.hearing B.looking C.seeing D.listening 6. A.though B.between C.out D.across 7. A.greeted B.told C.wished D.invited 8.A.about B.since C.from D.before 9. A.However B.Although C.Though D.Despite 10. A.Those B.This C.That D.These PLIZ !

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