J.angielski proszę o pomoc nie z trammnslatoró(tłumaczy intrenetowych)
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można tak zacząć:
I'm sorry I haven't written to you for a long time busy moving into my new house/flat.......i dalej dokończyć
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear George,
I'm sorry I haven't written to you for a long time but I've been busy moving into my new house. We've moved to a new place because the old one was too loud and our neighbours were unfriendly. So now we live in a detached house in the subberbs. It's a pretty big house. It has got two floors, basement and an attic. I've got my own room on the second floor. I've got everthing I've ever wanted to have. I've got a big TV, many book of shelves, sofa etc. Our neigbourhood is pretty quiet. We've got cool neighbours here, but there is one thing that i'd like to change but unfortunately I can't. There are tracks for trains nearby. I hope it won't be a big problem. The best thing about the house is that we've got here our own garden and swimming pool outside.
You should come to us oneday so we could have some fun swimming or doing something interesting in my new house.
Take care,