The students whom the government will award scholarship (to) always get first rank in the class.
Relative pronoun adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk memperkenalkan relative clause, klausa yang fungsinya memberi informasi lebih akan suatu kata atau frasa benda.
Suatu relative pronoun merujuk pada sebuah kata atau frasa benda yang disebut antecedent.
The man who is wearing glasses is a surgeon.
Who merujuk pada antecedentthe man.
Relative pronoun dalam tata bahasa Inggris ada lima (5), yaitu:
who ➠ menggantikan subjek orang
whom ➠ menggantikan objek orang
which ➠ menggantikan subjek/objek bukan orang dan relativeclause-nya nondefining/nonrestrictive
that ➠ menggantikan subjek/objekbukan orang dan relative clause-nya defining/restrictive
Whose ➠ menggantikan possessive
Contoh penggunaan relative pronoun:
The boy plays basketball well. He is very tall.
☆ The boy who is very tall plays basketball well.
The old lady is my neighbour. I often say hello to her.
☆ The old lady to whom I often say hello is my neighbour.
Our house is big. It was built in 1890.
☆ Our house, which which was built in 1890, is big.
The house is said to be haunted. MrSmithboughtitlastyear.
☆ The house that Mr Smith bought last year is said to be haunted.
The general is a good leader. His subordinates are loyal.
☆ The general whose subordinates are loyal is very a good leader.
When, where dan why adalah relativeadverb.
The students adalah kata benda yang berupa orang dan merupakan objek dari klausa the government will award scholarship to the students. Jadi, relativepronoun yang digunakan untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah whom.
Cara membedakan penggunaan relativepronounwho dan whom:
Who diikuti kata kerja
Whom diikuti subjek dari relativeclause
The man whoworks in the bank is my cousin.
The man who works in the bank is my cousin.The man whomMr Smith has just hired is my cousin.
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Gini, Kak. relative pronoun itu memperkenalkan relative clause. jd the government will ... itu relative clausenya.
the students itu objek dari klausa the government will .... jadi kita ganti dengan relative pronoun whom. krn whom menggantikan objek orang
kl mau gampangnya, kita liat apakah sesudah relative pronoun itu subjek klausa atau kata kerja. kl subjek, kita pake whom untuk org. kl kt kerja, pakai who
contoh: The man ... I spoke to[...]. pk whom, krn I itu kan subjek.
the man ... is speaking [...] pk who, krn is speaking itu verb
Relative Pronoun
The students whom the government will award scholarship (to) always get first rank in the class.
Relative pronoun adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk memperkenalkan relative clause, klausa yang fungsinya memberi informasi lebih akan suatu kata atau frasa benda.
Suatu relative pronoun merujuk pada sebuah kata atau frasa benda yang disebut antecedent.
The man who is wearing glasses is a surgeon.
Who merujuk pada antecedent the man.
Relative pronoun dalam tata bahasa Inggris ada lima (5), yaitu:
Contoh penggunaan relative pronoun:
The boy plays basketball well. He is very tall.
☆ The boy who is very tall plays basketball well.
The old lady is my neighbour. I often say hello to her.
☆ The old lady to whom I often say hello is my neighbour.
Our house is big. It was built in 1890.
☆ Our house, which which was built in 1890, is big.
The house is said to be haunted. Mr Smith bought it last year.
☆ The house that Mr Smith bought last year is said to be haunted.
The general is a good leader. His subordinates are loyal.
☆ The general whose subordinates are loyal is very a good leader.
When, where dan why adalah relative adverb.
The students adalah kata benda yang berupa orang dan merupakan objek dari klausa the government will award scholarship to the students. Jadi, relative pronoun yang digunakan untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah whom.
Cara membedakan penggunaan relative pronoun who dan whom: