Example: contoh gambar nya borobudur. A: "where did you go on holiday?' B: "I went to Borobudur A: "where is it" B: "it's Indonesia" Please, buatkan dialog untuk 2 orang seperti contoh tetapi gambar.nya berbeda-beda. 1. gambar menara efel 2. gambar tembok cina 3. gambar mesjid istilal 4. gambar patung liberti Tolong buatkan dialognya seperti contoh ya.
A. A: "where did you go on holiday?' B: "I went to eiffel tower" A: "where is it" B: "it's in French" B A: "where did you go on holiday?' B: "I went to chinese wall A: "where is it" B: "it's in chinese" C A: "where did you go on holiday?' B: "I went to istilal mosque" A: "where is it" B: "it's ..........." D A: "where did you go on holiday?' B: "I went to liberty sculpture" A: "where is it" B: "it's in American" Semoga bermanfaat
Y: "I went to Eiffel tower."
X: "where is it?"
Y: "It's France."
M: "Where did you go on holiday"
N: "I went to Chinese wall."
M: "Where is it?"
N: "It's China."
A: "Where did you go on holiday?
B: "I went to Istiqlal Mosque."
A: "Where is it?"
B: "It's Indonesia."
N: "Where did you go on holiday?"
O: "I went to Liberty Sculpture."
N: "Where is it?"
O: "It's America."