6.a virus - bug turn on - switch on (włączyć) say no to - resist (oprzeć się) essential - vital (niezbędny) destroyed - closed down (zniszczyć) business friend - colleague (kolega z pracy)
b. kolejność: 7,5,1,3,6,2,4
9. Making a phone call -you can recognize a person from voice -you can quess how the other person is feeling from the tone of voice
Sending an e-mail -you dont pay anyhing :-) -you can send pictures or documents
virus - bug
turn on - switch on (włączyć)
say no to - resist (oprzeć się)
essential - vital (niezbędny)
destroyed - closed down (zniszczyć)
business friend - colleague (kolega z pracy)
b. kolejność: 7,5,1,3,6,2,4
9. Making a phone call
-you can recognize a person from voice
-you can quess how the other person is feeling from the tone of voice
Sending an e-mail
-you dont pay anyhing :-)
-you can send pictures or documents