September 2018 1 38 Report

Energia kinetyczna walca o masie m=50dkg toczacego sie bez poslizgu wynosi 24J. jaka jest predkosc srodka masy walca? (moment bezwladnosci walca: I=½ mr²)

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Przeczytaj uwaznie ponizszy tekst, a nastepnie przyporzadkuj poszczególnym jego czesciom tytuły oznaczone (A-G). Wpisz odpowiednie litery w kratki (4.1-4.6). Jeden z tytułów podany został dodatkowo i nie pasuje do zadnej czesci. Za kazda poprawna odpowiedz otrzymasz 1 punkt. THE GIRL WHO LOVES ALFA ROMEOS 4.1 Angie Voluti’s enthusiasm for Alfa Romeos is hard to hide. ’They’re slightly unreliable but memorable. Like me. You take an interest in a car if it’s close to your personality,’ she says. 4.2 ’When we had our first child, we decided to name him after the car, so we called him Romeo,’ she says with a smile on her face. 4.3 When our second son was born, we had to think again. We eventually decided to call him Florio – as in the Targa Florio, the Sicilian race which Alfa Romeo tend to do well in.’ 4.4 For a girl, we’d thought of the names Rossa, Aurora or Nuvola – all Alfa paint colours!’ 4.5 My husband sometimes feels a little left out, and he’s a little envious of my latest car. But our love of cars is one of the reasons we get on so well!’ 4.6 We’ve always shared the same interests. Our wedding cake was a masterpiece. The top was in the shape of a car and the bottom was a car badge!’ A. Not so easy to find another name B. From Mr Voluti’s point of view C. The appeal of this type of car D. A marriage celebration with a difference E. Memories of learning to drive F. Plans made for the birth of a daughter G. How the car became a family member

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